
Teen Wolf

I watched the first episode On Demand today with my lovely boyfriend, and it was sadly interesting. It was a typical werewolf-nice guy-bad guy-concerned friend type of story. Good job for the originality, MTV - but then again I guess you gave up on that a long time ago. Anyway, I hate to say it but I will probably continue to watch it until I feel so stupid that I cannot handle it anymore.

Anyone else catch it?

Number One!

So, this is my first post. Hmm.. I usually don't do these things. Not really interested. But I figure since graduating I might find the time to do something like this.
I'm here to start a network. I want to get involved in the online blogging community. It interests me and I love to write. So here we go. I'm going to find people to follow and hopefully they'll follow back. That's how this works right? Right.

I have a question for whoever reads this blog. Jack Kevorkian, a brilliant doctor some would call a quack, or go so far as to saying he was the next Hitler. I believe in what he was fighting for. Some think he just talked people into choosing euthanasia for the thrill of doing it. I, on the other hand, believe he was deeply troubled by the long, insufferable death of his mother from which he himself said he felt lost. He felt that way because the one and only way to help her was to speed along her obvious terminal fate. In that time, it was taboo and definitely not an option for any one person, in a legal sense. After that, he believed there should be an option for people who know they will meet those same fates or have already suffered a great deal and can no longer function for themselves.
My question for you is what is your opinion on this matter? He's been on my mind lately because he died last Friday, June 3rd, 2011 (my graduation date). He served 9 years in jail for the "crimes" he committed and died at 89 years old. I believe he went with dignity. There are some states that have the Die With Dignity Act in effect that some agree with and others don't.

What do you think?